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Exploring Analytical Automation: What it Means for Your Lab

Thursday, April 17, 2025
8am PST | 11am EST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET

Laboratory automation

Automation is reshaping analytical chemistry, becoming increasingly established across different stages of the analytical workflow. But what does this mean for your lab?

While automated instrumental analysis and sample introduction have been standard in laboratories for decades, the focus of analytical automation is now expanding beyond these well-established areas. Recent advancements are tackling previously unexplored aspects of the analytical workflow, such as sample preparation and sample handling—critical yet often overlooked steps where automation can bring transformative benefits.

Analytical automation is more than just a convenience—it is a powerful tool. It not only enhances accuracy, precision, and robustness, but also enables synergistic integrations, such as with data analytics, leading to significantly improved performance at multiple stages of the analytical process.

With increasingly large datasets to interpret and an ever-more complex chemical space to unravel, harnessing automation's power and time-saving capabilities is becoming essential for analytical scientists.

Whether you’re new to automation or looking to refine your approach, this webcast will demystify analytical automation—from the different platforms available to how they integrate into laboratory workflows.

Join us for an insightful session exploring the opportunities, challenges, and practical considerations of implementing analytical automation in your lab.

Topics include:

  • Understand the expanding role of automation in analytical chemistry
  • Learn the benefits and integrations of analytical automation
  • Identify the opportunities and challenges of adopting analytical automation into laboratory workflows


Camilla Liscio (Principal Scientist, Element Lab Solutions)

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