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How do you currently select a column for an HPLC application? Do you just use the one that is on the instrument, root around in an old drawer and hope that you pull out one that works, use your favorite C18 or ODS column, or borrow one from a colleague who’s chromatography is currently working particularly well? These are probably not ideal situations but there will be many of us who are guilty of these exact scenarios. Instead, why not join us for the following webcast on HPLC column selection in which we will look at the available column stationary phases and support materials (including conventional fully porous and core shell/superficially porous material), column dimensions and the effect that they can have on your chromatography, and how to optimize and improve your current chromatographic separations. This practical guide will give you the tools required to make an informed choice every time you develop a new HPLC method.


Topics include:

  • Support materials – what are the relative advantages and disadvantages of fully porous and core shell materials?
  • HPLC stationary phase classifications – what does it mean and how do they differ?
  • The effect of stationary phase chemistry on retention and selectivity
  • The effect of HPLC column dimensions on chromatographic parameters
  • How to choose the optimum HPLC column for your application