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This webcast presents the definitive guide to the top 10 features of a successful chromatography data system (CDS). In this second session, our speakers explore the important aspects of a chromatography data system and highlight specific examples using the Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ chromatography data system software. We further explore questions posed by chromatographers regarding chromatography data systems including: flexible quantitation and reporting tools, regulatory compliance, and ease of ownership issues. A must watch for anyone who would like to use their own data system more effectively or are seeking a more effective CDS platform.


Topics include:

  • Posing key questions that chromatographers need to have answered
  • Investigating key features such as:
    • Built-in calculation and reporting options
    • Ensuring 24-7 up time
    • Compliance with regulations
    • Cost of ownership
    • Ease of administration
    • Support