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GC Troubleshooting in 20 Pictures - Part 1

Thursday, November 21, 2024
8am PST | 11am EST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET

GC instrument

The art of GC troubleshooting often lies in being able to recognize a problem from the evidence presented in the chromatogram or baseline appearance. In this short series of two webcasts, we present 20 real life GC chromatograms and show you how to recognize the issues, deal with the causes and preventing them from happening again!


Topics include:

  • Recognizing key GC issues from the appearance of the chromatogram or baseline
  • Requirements for high quality gas supplies and how to achieve the optimum in gas cleanliness
  • Optimal split/splitless injection configuration a
  • Routine inlet maintenance and checks to keep it working properly
  • Column loading and designing appropriate analyses to avoid column overload
  • Principles of column installation and conditioning
  • Investigating issues with column and analyte chemistry
  • Recognizing issues with settings or gas supply for common GC detectors

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