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Mass Spectrometry at the Glycan Level

Glycosylation is the most common monoclonal antibody post-translational modification. It can affect safety, half-life, and efficacy of mAbs. Glycosylation can be revealed at the protein, peptide, and glycan level. To obtain a detailed insight into the carbohydrates they must first be liberated from the protein/peptide backbone.

This module will complete the content already content in CHROMacademy by introducing the use of mass spectrometry for glycan analysis. Mass spectrometry has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for the structural elucidation of glycans due to its sensitivity, small sample requirement, and ability to analyze complex glycan mixtures. In addition to the characterization of the glycan sequence, MS provides branching patterns, substituent location, and quantitative information.


Topics include:

  • Glycan analysis levels
  • Glycan analysis workflow
  • β-elimination of O-linked glycans
  • Glycan MS and MS/MS Data