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Live Biomolecule Symposium:

Mastering Method Development

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
7am PST | 10am EST | 3pm GMT | 4pm CET


Advanced Column Selection and Method Optimization for Biomolecular Purification and Characterization


Event Overview:

This event will discuss some of the most pressing challenges in biomolecular separations - including column selection for SEC/GPC based separations, oligonucleotide impurity characterizations as well as purification methods. Users will gain an in depth understanding of when to choose what type of column for SEC/GPC analyses and develop a more complete picture of the broad separation types available for oligonucleotide characterization. Finally, preparative scale HPLC methods will be discussed for complex biomolecular separations along with tips and tricks.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to select the right column for SEC/GPC biomolecular analysis
  • Gain insights into various oligonucleotide separation techniques and their benefits
  • Discover tips and tricks for effective biomolecular purification

Who Should Attend:

  • Analytical chemists interested in SEC/GPC, oligonucleotide characterization, and purification techniques, including AAVs and LNPs
  • Preparative or purification chemists looking for practical tips on purification separations

Event Agenda

10:00 AM EST    Opening Remarks (Separation Sciences)

10:05 AM EST     SEC/GPC Columns for Biomolecule Analysis
Anne Blackwell, PhD, Global Product Manager, HPLC Biocolumns, Agilent Technologies

10:45 AM EST    Q&A Session with Anne Blackwell

11:00 AM EST    Discrete Approaches to Oligonucleotide Characterization 
Andrea Tripodi, PhD, Biocolumns Application Engineer, Agilent Technologies

11:45 AM EST    Q&A Session with Andrea Tripodi

12:00 PM EST    Prepped for Success: Biomolecular Purification 
Connor Flannery, Global Product Manager, HPLC Biocolumns, Agilent Technologies

12:45 PM EST    Q&A Session with Connor Flannery

1:00 PM EST    
Closing Remarks (Separations Sciences)

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