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All university students and staff get free access to CHROMacademy courtesy of Agilent Technologies.

Agilent delivers a variety of teaching tools, resources, and promotions for Academics through our partnership. CHROMacademy is commonly used in universities across the world to aid the world of analytical science. 

For more information on Agilent's contributions to academia, view their solutions or follow them on LinkedIn

Academic Membership

CHROMacademy is the world's leading eLearning platform for analytical science. With hundreds of learning opportunities across the spectrum of chromatography and mass spectrometry, CHROMacademy is regularly used as a study aid for students—or to assist in their transition to industry—and to aid research and teaching for academics.

Used extensively at academic institutions including these top universities

Chromacademy and academia

Student Membership

Unlock the perfect study companion in CHROMacademy. Find theoretical content spanning HPLC, GC, mass spec and more.

Stay ahead of the competition and prepare for the move to industry with out practical learning content. Learn basic lab skills, sample preparation methods, and more.

"CHROMacademy is chock full of informative and interactive modules that address virtually every aspect of modern separations. It is an indispensable tool & brilliant source for understanding the technique"

Kevin A. Schug, Ph.D. | Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Texas at Arlington

For University Staff

CHROMacademy is the perfect accompaniment for academic research, with an abundance of theoretical and practical learning content.

Academics at some of the world's top universities use CHROMacademy to improve their knowledge of chromatography and to assist in the creation of course content.